The Magic of EVE Online

“In Eve you are allowed to make a difference, even if you do it the wrong way, even if it isn’t in the script. One turncoat was able to disband one of the oldest and most powerful alliance in the game, putting them into disarray long enough for their enemies to come and take everything they had built — and the developers let it happen. One guy can pull off an amazing heist worth thousands of real life dollars — and the developers will let it happen. One guy can forget to put money in the right wallet before he goes on his honeymoon leading to one of the most powerful alliances losing their key systems and throwing them into disarray long enough for their enemies to come and take everything they had built — and the developers will let it happen.

As long as you don’t hack other players’ accounts, almost anything goes. You probably won’t ever do anything particularly noteworthy, but you might, and if you do it will be allowed to happen. You will be allowed to change the world. You can’t get that anywhere else. People get all mad at CCP and go looking for other games, not even space games or science fiction games, just a persistent world to play in, and nothing else comes close. Eve is a terrible game. Every other game is worse.”

— Post by “Angela Christine” on

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